
Search results

  1. SOLD - Radium PCV Oil Catch Can For Sale

    Brand new in box, haven’t even taken it out. Decided to just use high quality oil with good evaporation rating and change often opposed to the catch can route. $150 OBO. $200 new. My loss is your gain if you want one. Thanks for looking! *Note: I will take a picture of the box tomorrow. It’s a...
  2. Wheels, Tires, & Suspension Setup Pics Thread

    I could have sworn I have seen a thread like this on here & spent a ton of time searching & simply could not find it. Figured a pic thread would be nice for those thinking about different setups for whatever purpose they’re pursuing, that way they’re all in one place. I stitched a couple of...
  3. Type S RV6 Rear Sway Bar Settings

    This thread serves a dual purpose. The first is that I’m finally getting around to installing & genuinely curious for those that have this sway bar, what settings you have yours on for your preferences? The second is just to have a single, consolidated thread regarding this topic, as it will...
  4. WTB Dongar Dash Cam Adapter

    I’m looking for the Dongar Dash Cam Adapter 12 pin Type B for our vehicles. Sold out everywhere & I saw a couple posts on here that some opted not to use the adapter & wire a different way. Does anyone still have this product that they are willing to sell?? My setup is just waiting on that one...
  5. APR Carbon Fiber Ideas

    I was inquiring with APR to see if they have anything in the works & they confirmed they have a model on possession they are working on. They also asked if there's any products we have in mind they should consider designing. Cool! Besides what's out there for the FK8/FL5 - are there any other...
  6. Civic Type R GT

    Has anyone else seen this yet? Drool. https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1140288_honda-civic-type-r-gt-prepares-for-super-gt-series
  7. Type S Steering Wheel Options

    Alright...so I was pretty dead set on the heated steering wheel until I saw that it lost its red stitching, so now I'm starting to wonder again. I also like the open area in the bottom center of the wheel that looks like the heating switch would now go there. Alcantara sounds nice, but it'll get...
  8. Data Recorder for Service Maintenance

    Does anyone have any experience or recommendations for recording data only at times of service? Reason I ask is because I have a friend who has a GTR and there was only one dealership qualified to do some service on it in our area and they got busted ripping and shredding down the road. Just...
  9. Acura - share real photos of the exterior colors before reservation, please!!

    This is bothering a good handful of folks so thought I'd make a thread to bump the topic - hopefully so Acura sees & might share. Sure we know what the colors look like on the standard Integra & 3 of the Type S. But if they are supposedly already in transit, then why not share ahead of the...
  10. Type S Deposits & Your Color Combos ?

    *This poll is ONLY for those who already have deposits or personal info given to dealerships & they have reached out to you & asked for your #1 & #2 color options - please respond with ONLY your #1 option when you vote. Please do not vote your preferred color option if you do not have...
  11. Remote start for manuals?

    Just curious if anyone has installed any aftermarket remote start systems to their manual transmission Integra & if so what are they & your experiences with them? Thanks!
  12. Acura wins 3rd Consecutive Rolex w/ New Prototype

  13. Anti-gravity battery anyone?

    Has anyone used or plan on trying one of these in their Civic or Integra? I’ve heard of them in both race & daily applications. Only 8-16.5 lbs. Curious especially from any who has experience with these. https://antigravitybatteries.com/products/starter-batteries/automotive/ag-51r-rs/
  14. Custom Grill Options - Calling all Michigan/Indiana owners especially - Help?

    Good afternoon gents. I’ve been chatting with Matt from Custom Car Grills. Please see the attached screenshot. Is there anyone willing to help progress something like this faster by either having the hook up on extra parts that he can communicate with or live anywhere near the Grand Rapids...
