
Search results

  1. List of Honest Acura Dealerships For Type S (MSRP vs Markup List -- Integra Type S)

    I did, but their car had the bronze wheels which I don't like as much. Definitely some options out there for MSRP if you take your time and use the "Search Inventory" on the Acura website.
  2. List of Honest Acura Dealerships For Type S (MSRP vs Markup List -- Integra Type S)

    I have a Grand Cherokee I can drive when the roads are nasty, so I might just keep the PS4S on the car this winter and be picky about when I take it out. If I do anything, I might do the CONTINENTAL EXTREMECONTACT DWS 06 PLUS all season tires just to make it more enjoyable when it's below...
  3. List of Honest Acura Dealerships For Type S (MSRP vs Markup List -- Integra Type S)

    Picking up a white/black interior from Smithtown Acura in Long Island on Thursday for MSRP. I see on the first page it says ADM, and perhaps they were initially, but they are now selling for sticker. The car does have $3000 of accessories installed (alcantara wheel, door sills, etc.), but I'm...
  4. What cars do you currently own besides the ATS?

    2018 Grand Cherokee 2021 Mazda 3 Turbo 2019 Corvette ZR1 manual 2023 Huracan Tecnica (pictured Focus RS is now gone to make room for the ITS) :)
  5. White/black build dates?

    Does anyone have an idea of when the white/black cars will be built? I have a deposit at my dealer, but besides a general "August" they don't know when these cars aregoing into production. I recently sold my Focus RS so I'm jonesing for my manual hot-hatch fix! :) Thank you!
  6. Post Your Firsthand Thoughts on Dealer Demo Integra Type-S

    I had the opportunity to drive the demo Type S at Acura of Milford, CT yesterday. 15 minutes doing laps of the industrial park behind the dealer in 5pm traffic while also not beating on a 25 mile car is far from the ideal scenario to assess the dynamics of a car... but I'll give whatever...
