
Search results

  1. What did you do to your Integra Type S today? 🙋🏻‍♂️

    Winter shoes went on today, love the way they look! A huge thank you to fellow Chicagoan @akoza for his help.
  2. Too Old For ITS?

    This thread makes me laugh. When I went in to look at the ITS earlier this year at 58y/o, I joked with the sales guy that I was probably not the demographic that typically was interested in this car. He told me quickly that I was exactly who was buying them, and even introduced me to another...
  3. LCM Photos Appreciation Thread

    Love how the light hits it here
  4. Spotted Integra Type S Thread!

    New guy here, 2 months ownership and loving it. LCM in Park Ridge. See you guys on the road around Chicagoland.