That's because you live in the Southwest. The car probably thinks you're in the Devil's armpit and is trying to cool down the cabin as quickly as possible. Once the cabin temps even out the fan speed settles down too.
Also confirming that my climate control reading only shows the temp unless I...
I have my Eibach arms (same thing as the SPC just a different paint job) in the box ready to go on. I'm contemplating if I want to do it or pay a shop to do it because I also have a rear sway and end links to go on as well.
2 hours isn't bad but anytime something becomes "fun" I consider what...
Black dials are off of the Accord and HRV (cheaper to buy used)
The vent arms are off of the CRV (much cheaper to buy new)
P/Ns below for the vents (you scavenge them for the arms)
(2x) 776133a0a01za (passenger's side vent), these are cheaper individually but require a little more work to get...
You set the "per tank" range calculator in the settings. I recall the options were "Lifetime" or "at startup" or something to that effect. The lifetime average vs average calculated at startup based off of the previous drive.
Checking in with my most recent ventures down the modding hole. Didn't want you guys thinking I called it quits with modding or something.
Did the "Racing Black" conversion for the HVAC dials and vent arms.
Wanted to check in with this thread because I had a similar rattle from the passenger's side at around 2200 rpm when the car resonates most. The rattle sounded kind of like a loose washer. Check the passenger's side kick panel towards the front. Tap the panel at various places to see if it has...
They didn't do the front of the intercooler on mine either and I wouldn't expect them to. It's not an area that can be easily covered and the ppf probably wouldn't adhere anyway. The diffuser can probably be done in multiple pieces but I bet the installer likely works off of a template and...
No changes until 2027 means I should go all in with my mods instead of waiting to transfer them to a final run. My plan is to trade up to the last iteration of this car and ride into the sunset.
Right but you only *know* you have a gallon left AFTER fill up lol. When the light is on and the bars have been empty for the past several miles, it's puckerin' time.
I don't mean to brag or anything but I've puckered once or twice, stubbornly trying to make it to my favorite watering hole. This is a record I don't intent to try for again, though.
Logically I agree with you all regarding the current market and price points but emotionally it's a hard pill to swallow.
Luckily I've become accustomed to bare bones cars over the years so the more minor rattles there are (existent or otherwise), I haven't noticed.