Having owned both an FL5 and EN (and driven the ITS)... the EN has more than just price. I think the E-LSD and steering in the EN are better than the two Honda cars, and the seats in the EN are better than the ITS (but worse than the FL5). Stock cooling is also much better in the EN vs. the...
I just sold my FL5 but honestly if I was going to buy another new FWD car it would be an Elantra N. In many ways I enjoyed that car over my FL5 and in terms of "luxury" features it's not too far off from the ITS.
My very favorite optronix quote and maybe one of the most perfect things I've seen on any forum ever is "idiots tend to not know that they are idiots themselves"
My brother for your sake I worry for the health of your keyboard — try to wipe the Anger Sweat off of your hands before you quote me in order to prolong its life.
To answer your question: one of the Honda dealers in my area is great and both of the Acura dealers suck.
Super frustrating to watch. The Acura dealers near me suck which is part of the reason I went FL5, but no one should have to deal with this. I hope he gets this resolved soon.
The point of a video and headline like this is to force Honda not to make shitty, consumer-antagonistic decisions. People should be mad about this and Honda needs to feel the pressure. I had data sharing on in my FL5 and am currently awaiting my LexisNexis report to see how bad they fucked me.
I would try for $1,500+ off. There are a few new ones in Autotrader listed for under MSRP — maybe you can used those as leverage. Call their bluff until the afternoon of the 30th. If they don't bite just go in and buy it at MSRP on May 1st.
I've been thinking about sending all of my posts to Optronix before I post so he can edit them to include something about how my Type R is a True Driver's Car Better Than All Cars Twice The Price, And Trust Me Because Did You Know I Own A Porsche?
Can I ask how much you paid for just the sound deadening? I'd like to do something similar on my FL5 but have no conception of how much it costs.
Does it make a big difference? Feel worth the price?
Yes this is the worst and probably my least favorite thing about being "into cars". God forbid someone has different priorities in a car than you do. I appreciate the rare person who has a sense of humor (or even basic lightheartedness!) about the car(s) they own.
A lot of the early buyers did so in a time when you could still sell a car for near what you paid — so they might not have been planning to keep it long term. That time has ended, but I imagine some people didn’t realize they were committing to a $55K car and now want out.
I also think people...
The key thing with optronix is not to give him too much attention.
As for the ITS, definitely give it or a CTR a test drive if you can — maybe look for dealers with used models as they’re more likely to let you drive those. They’re good cars but it really depends on your priorities in a car. I...
Awesome comment. Funny and incisive — I'd love to hear more from you in general, and wonder if you'd be able to find any new ways to unintelligently critique others in this thread?
I think I speak for everyone here when I say that it's actually pretty awesome when people such as yourself are...