Senior Member
Outback’s a midsize so it needs one.
And I don’t know why but subaru’s been pretty generous about that particular feature. WRX is the only sport compact with struts that I can think of.
I think anything premium should come with hood struts and that includes Integra.
Flat bottom wheels are gimmicky. The integra doesn’t have a tight little drivers box and a wheel that doesn’t move. Y’all realize that why they started right? To have leg room on a tight super car who’s wheel doesn’t move up or down.I think if they market the car as sporty/performance they should include flat bottom steering. I think at least for Type S it should be included.
The hood struts, I added them to my mustang as well. It’s cool to have and convenient. But the integra hood is aluminum. So I don’t think it’s necessary being so light. But if you want them plenty of companies make them for around $100.