Senior Member
We probably need to be selective. Don't need to be preached at in person. Karen can stay homeWe need to schedule a big meet. We can all argue in person!

We probably need to be selective. Don't need to be preached at in person. Karen can stay homeWe need to schedule a big meet. We can all argue in person!
That would be awesome! The meeting part. Lol I'm planning on going to the tail of the dragon Type R/S meet - probably next year but there's one in October too. I think the spring one is busier.We need to schedule a big meet. We can all argue in person!
There are certain people you can profile their intelligence and character through what they post. I have less than zero desire to actually talk to these people in person, and I hope that's mutual.We probably need to be selective. Don't need to be preached at in person. Karen can stay home.
Rules are made with a goal in mind and cannot be tailor made to the infinite possibilities one could face. That's why there is a court system and judges, to go over edge cases.The hate will never stop, because people literally die because of this activity. Speed kills. Every. Single. Day.
Just because you think you have some innate ability to control what others can't doesn't mean that the rules that were created to control this behavior don't apply to you.
That's what is called entitlement.
You apparently have a line in your head that separates you from these "idiots", right? But on the surface, you actually think the same thoughts as these "idiots", and your crusade to "stop the hate" only enables their activity.
And while it appears you can put two thoughts together on these forums occasionally, I don't know you or anyone on here from Adam, so I don't trust you when you say you don't drive like an idiot. I have zero evidence of that. And now with this data collection thing, your insurance company has evidence to the contrary.
Again, nonsense. But I respect your attempt because you at least put effort into your response. You and I can get along, even if we agree to disagree.Rules are made with a goal in mind and cannot be tailor made to the infinite possibilities one could face. That's why there is a court system and judges, to go over edge cases.
They are also made for the average person not the exceptions. Unfortunately as a modern society we have decided it's acceptable to handicap the above average in favor of preserving the less than mediocre. Forget driving, just look at taxes where an amazing doctor is essentially limited to what effort he exerts because the tax burden and regulations becomes so onerous they decide to work less or worse flee to a region they can get their full worth.
Entitlement is believing you deserve something that you didn't earn. As you said, you don't know me so while I appreciate that you acknowledge that fact (many don't even do that) it's still quite condescending to not give the benefit of the doubt.
I feel like I have more than covered all I need to in my series of posts so I'll end with this mental exercise which can help determine if someone is a thinking driver or an automaton.
There's a T intersection along a one way road. There are two stop signs, one stop along the flow of the one way (throughput) and the second for people turning right onto it. One day they decide to do work on the side road and complete block it off with concrete barriers, no one can pass.
Question: They didn't remove the stop sign, do you still come to a stop?
The automaton response, yes because it's a stop sign and that's the law so I'm going to do my full stop. A thinking driver would question that the stop is there to prevent a Tbone crash, however since the street is now blocked, the stop sign is effectively (temporarily) useless so why stop?
It's not the belief that we're above the law, that ALL stop signs don't apply to us, but a full understanding of why it exists in the first place that allows us to pick and choose what we observe while still maintaining the spirit of them and NPC drivers lose their shit because to them it does not compute.
Bonus scenario, I'd also roll the stop turning right onto the side street after the construction wraps up because that particular intersection provides no realistic situation where you experience a collision turning right.
Speed is the same and the only difference is that people have been purposely whipped up into an emotional frenzy about it and the establishments like it that way.
First off, as a former Spa Yellow 2003 S2000 owner I think its really neat that you still have yours. I miss mine nearly every day during the spring and summer.Excuse me for reviving an old thread, but perhaps I can offer some peace of mind to those concerned about this (I was). I've been researching this for 2 months now and was told by two different techs at Honda In-Car Technology Support (888-528-7876) that the ITS does not have a TCU (Telematics Control Unit) so it is incapable of transmitting any data. This is further supported by the attachments sent to me by @jayy_swish: Comparing the DE4 (A-Spec w/ Tech) to the DE5 you'll see that the the TCU is missing on the DE5. This conclusion is further supported by looking for fuse #26 in your engine fuse box (marked TCU). My car has no fuse there. I hope this means that no one is spying on us, at least as long as your phone is turned off.
View attachment B-CAN Communication Line (KA USA DE4) (Computers and Control Systems) - Aspec wTech.pdf
View attachment B-CAN Communication Line (KA USA DE5) (Computers and Control Systems) - ITS.pdf
Nope, definitely a Telematics Control Unit we're talking about.First off, as a former Spa Yellow 2003 S2000 owner I think its really neat that you still have yours. I miss mine nearly every day during the spring and summer.
I also wanted to add that for the TCU, are we sure the T is for Telemetry and not Transmission? Obviously the DE5 has a manual and thus won't have all of the extra compute associated with a CVT or an automatic. I'm wondering if the Integra A Spec shows the TCU fuse because its available with a CVT?
To further add to this, I've got a 2022 Accord 2.0T with the 10spd auto. It has 4 (!!) TCU fuses in the engine bay fuse box. I pulled them for science and the transmission wouldn't work at all, warning lights on the dash "transmission malfunction, see dealer". I slowly added the fuses back one by one, I needed all of them in place before the car would shift out of park and drive. One of the fuses, IG1 TCU wouldn't even allow the car to start unless I re-inserted it. I think Honda may be using TCU interchangeably and in the engine bay fuse box, I think the T means Transmission.
While there may be reference to a "transmission control unit" somewhere, I've usually seen it referenced as Transmission Control Module, or TCM.Google AI overview said:The 2024 Acura Integra's Telematics Control Unit (TCU) automatically searches for software updates for the 9-in color touchscreen and connected devices every four weeks via the TCU. The TCU is an embedded hardware and software system that controls wireless communication, diagnostics, and tracking to and from the vehicle. It connects the vehicle to the cloud, improves safety, and enables automatic emergency calls.
The TCU is made up of the following components:
The TCU uses V2X standards over a cellular network to connect the vehicle to other vehicles or cloud services. It also sends tracked values to a centralized geographical information system (GIS) database server.
- Satellite navigation (GNSS) unit
- External interface for mobile communication
- Electronic processing unit
- Microcontroller, microprocessor, or field programmable gate array (FPGA)
- Mobile communication unit
- Memory
- Battery module
The TCU is usually located in the center of the car, behind the dash, but it can also be found in the trunk, back stowage, or storage compartment.
I hear you on having fun with data. I’m in analytics myself in the healthcare sector. Trade that black terminal background for the blinding white of excel/tableuI'm over here still trying to figure out if the DE5 has a Telematics Control Unit... or if there have been real world consequences as a result of Honda/Acura specifically providing this data to insurers...
but I did turn off the data sharing anyway.
I work in cybersecurity by trade, but this and other events literally have me considering a career change into data analytics. The insights to be had with the right type of data, observed in the right ways is all sorts of fascinating, and made possible now with technology.
Here's a direct link to Reuters- zero need to send traffic through "X".
At least GM was caught, but I assume that Acura and many others have been doing the same to sell the data to LexisNexis, then LexisNexis sells to insurance companies.